Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hello Triple Negative, I Hate You

I met with my surgeon to discuss the findings of the biopsy and surgery options.  Of course, as luck (or lack thereof) would have it, the results of the biopsy was disturbing.  She reported I have Triple Negative, the breast cancer which was aggressive and nonresponsive to female hormones.  Hello Triple Negative, it's not a pleasure to make your acquaintance and one more thing - I hate you!

With the diagnosis of Triple Negative, I had two choices of surgeries. A full mastectomy or a less invasive option, a lumpectomy. The surgeon recommended the later since I caught the tumor in the beginning stage.  She also informed me, she would insert a port into my left breast and take 7-10 samples of lymph nodes. The surgery would be outpatient and would take 3 hours.

I chose the less invasive option.  The faster I could rid my body of this unwelcomed guest, the better off  I would be.  Surprisingly, the thought of surgery did not faze me.  There was no apprehension. None of the usual sleeplessness that accompanies anxious thoughts. Nada. Zip. I could not wait for July 31st to roll around.  I wanted no part of Triple Negative.

What did bother me was the answer I received from the question "would I lose my hair?"  The surgeon responded with an stern "yes".  To say I was stunned, is an understatement and I'm not ashamed to report, tears welled up in my eyes.  Another reason to hate you Triple Negative!

For those that know me well, I am very particular about my hair.  I have it cut and styled on a regular basis (actually, every 4 weeks) by an extraordinary stylist I have seen since 2003. Every other month, my hair would receive highlights. I love my hair and it loves me back.  To be parted with my hair is unthinkable. Yes, yes, yes, I'm aware it will grow back, but I've been told it will grow back gray and in about 6 months.  Gray?? In 6 months?? Unacceptable! There's got to be another option.

But for now, I needed to psych myself up.  Ready myself for battle. Triple Negative, I will defeat you!